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Autonomous Technology Photo by lost design on Unsplash
27 November, 2020: By Ajoy Maitra

Autonomous Driving Technology is the Next-Gen concept which has been in development and modification since few years. Many of the people are aware of Tesla's model in autonomous driving that has proved to be a standard of future innovation, however, such attempts were first made back in 1920s.

With continued researches on replacing humans and to manage traffic without any conjestion, back in 1921 the American Army first demonstrated a three-wheeled radio controlled trailer known as the Radio Air Service. As per the sources, later in 1925, a remote controlled prototype was tested in Broadway at New York city which was re-engineered with radio signal controls and was named as the Phantom Car.

First Autonomous Car

Enhancements to the technology has been implemented at the latest autonomous vehicles as Tesla 2020 Model S and other models, BMW Series X and other car manufacturing companies are leading ways to a new future for the next generation. With top engineering collaborations and technical advancements with pioneers as NVIDIA, manufacturings are structured with better Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS).


Automotive Radar

Automotive Radar

Improvements to the technologies integrated within an autonomous vehicle enables to monitor and analyse the environment for a better driving experience. Automotive radar takes on to utilize wave frequencies to detect obstacles or other passing vehicles, pedestrians and gets a tracked data of the velocity.

It depends on the speed and accuracy of the radar system in detecting and creating a complete simulation of the environment. Radar waves functions as the transmitted wave reflects off the object and returns to the receiver, leading to an informative evidence of the distance and the speed.

Lidar Technology

Lidar Technology

LIDAR or Light Imaging Detection And Ranging, is a remote sensing technology using a pulsed laser to accurately measure the distance of the objects. First used in 1960 with the invention of laser, lidar was tested using airplanes. However, with the control of Global Positioning System and inertial measurement units, accuracy in lidar data was possible during 1980s.

Lidar has a better 3D detection capability of smaller objects with the point clouds formed of large amount of laser pulses. Better than radar, lidar exponents precision by capturing the reflected beams and create a three-dimensional modelling of the surroundings. At the latest announcement, by an EV startup company, Xpeng Motors is the first automaker to integrate lidar technology to a vehicle at its production to significantly improve its vision and perception of being a safer self-driving vehicle. As per the Chairman and CEO of Xpeng Motors, He Xiaopeng,

Introducing Lidar technology into production vehicles is a breakthrough in popularizing autonomous driving, and an endorsement of our in-house R&D process. Our customers will benefit from this premium advanced technology, which makes autonomous driving more driver-friendly, safe and effective

Cognitive Learning

Cognitive Learning

Machine Learning models in innovating better accuracy to self driving leads to a cognitive approach through unsupervised learning. Through gathering vast amounts of sensor data and enabling intelligence allows machine to more accurately classify objects by memorizing. As perceived by the head of Systems and Technology and Chief Research Scientist for Artificial Intelligence, Continental AG, Dr. David J. Atkinson,

Autonomous mobility will be at least as disruptive and as valuable an innovation for society as the smartphone.

Accuracy in autonomous driving is lead by continuous trainings with visual data feeds which enahnces the perception of machine learning to create a successful planning and execution through better predictions. As the latest news on Tesla with the innovation of DOJO AI, a supercomputer which enables unsupervised trainings of video datasets, the autonomous vehicle adapts to an environment through the camera visions in analysing nooks to perform better.